Suicide Awareness
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Creatively MaladjustedYou are probably wondering what Martin Luther King Jr. has to do with suicide. King struggled with bouts of severe depression. He even jumped out of a window at the age of twelve. Ultimately, King embraced what he termed creative maladjustment, which he describes above in a clip from a longer speech. Being able to adjust oneself to a cruel and unjust world should not be a point of pride, contends King. When we feel that we have lost hope may well be for a good reason:
Kevin Hines: Lived to tellKevin Hines was nineteen, and he couldn't think of what to do with his feelings of despair other than attempt suicide. Amazingly he lived. The video at the right tells a bit about what happened to him, and this video series contains the steps Kevin takes to address his own mental health problems and stay positive.
Creative Maladjustment in action |
RElationship bill of Rights |