World war i: A Few Useful websites
The Great War Resources (mobilization statististics
Library of Congress
Central Powers - Find Central heads of state on this site
Major Battles
LAUSD Digital Library
A Guide to World War I Materials
War Poster Collection
BBC In Depth: World War I The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation is the largest broadcasting company in the world.
War Poetry
Financial Cost of First World War
Library of Congress
Central Powers - Find Central heads of state on this site
Major Battles
- Gallipoli: Heat and thirst
- Verdun: Symbol of suffering
- The Somme: Hell on earth
- Paths of Glory (Not The Somme -but reminds me of what I've read about the Somme and the English General Haig) is a great movie directed by Stanley Kubrick that shows the folly of World War I battles. It's loosely based on actual incidents in WWI. I'm not a war movie buff, but it's really a great film that I have shown to students over the years, and they have all found fascinating. Fun fact: the woman in the final scene is the the director's future wife.
- Passchendaele: Drowning in mud
LAUSD Digital Library
- Check Gale/Biography In Context for world leaders of countries involved in the war.
A Guide to World War I Materials
War Poster Collection
BBC In Depth: World War I The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation is the largest broadcasting company in the world.
War Poetry
Financial Cost of First World War