Just like a search engine on the internet, databases provide access to information. Unlike search engines, libraries, school, school districts, or even individuals subscribe and pay for access to the information on the databases. LAUSD subscribes to several databases. The information included in these databases are selected for their accuracy and reliability. When your teacher asks you to use reliable sources, you can be fairly certain that any source you access within a database is accurate and reliable in the academic sense.
Access the databases off campus: You must set up your access by following the directions here.
Select remote access and log in with your Student Single Sign On.
Encyclopedias: World Book (S) and Britannica
Search in various databases to find encyclopedia articles, journal articles, news articles, cultural documents, government documents, and archival images. Allows you to filter a search by type of source you are seeking.
American National Biography
This database contains portraits of over 18,700 Americans. It is searchable by name or research topics such as Women’s History or Hispanic American Heritage, for which subdirectories are available within the database. Teachers, this is also a teacher’s guide for ideas on how to integrate the database into your curriculum and how to align lessons to the CCSS.
Associated Press (AP) Images
This database contains albums of photos owned by Associated Press organized according to historical and current events, and people. The photos contain detailed cataloging information for easy citation in academic or editorial work. They are not free to be used in other types of work.
Career Cruising
Research career options and outlooks. Provides description of tasks, workplace, salary ranges, outlook by state, and required education. Take assessments to find jobs you might like, locate schools with programs in your fields of interest, and even search for jobs within your field. There is also a Spanish version of the site and a portfolio section to gather information for your career searches and applications.
Columbia Gazetteer
A geographic encyclopedia searchable by type of place, state or province, country, continent, population or geographic coordinates. Data includes information about both physical places and political entities and includes both current and historical information (i.e. name and border changes for countries). Included citation information for accurate and quick citation in papers.
This site provides insight into the culture of a country. It was started as pamphlets to train missionaries, but is great for anyone curious about the customs of places around the world or preparing for a trip. A great compliment to the Gazetteer and Facts on File.
EBSCO – Contains multiple databases. This collection contains something for almost any topic. The search includes all EBSCO search features (full-text, peer-reviewed, publication date, etc) and has links to latest news about the topic in the search results. The Discovery Source is customized for LAUSD. Here are some of particular interest:
This is a collection of databases organized by broad subjects (Careers & Education, Current Issues, General Reference, Geography & Culture, History, Literature & Language Arts, Medical & Health, and Science & Mathematics). The actual databases focus on more specific topics (i.e. Issues & Controversies, American Women’s History, Bloom’s Literary Reference Online). These databases offer easy to browse interfaces that look more like a new website than a traditional database, though they also provide in-depth search tools. Also includes a World Almanac and allows you to sort by primary and secondary sources.
Gale Databases
Contains multiple databases organized by subject matter, including biography, literature, and science. It also contains Opposing Viewpoints In Context, a database that focuses on social issues and useful for persuasive assignments; it provides information on many current topics and includes viewpoint essays, reference sources, statistics and more.
Granger’s World of Poetry
All things about poetry and poets organized by subject, biographies, commentaries, history & criticism, and sources (books or journals) where you find the poems you are seeking. Includes full poems for some titles. You can also look up poetic terms in the glossary and listen to the poems read in the listening room. Provides citation information for reference lists. (S)
This database contains any time of map you can imagine. In addition to specific searches, you may browse by subjects (Geography, History, Earth Science, & Civics) or collections (i.e. Antique Maps, Physical Maps, U.S. Congressional Districts). There is even a section of maps and of articles in Spanish.
Oxford (Grove) Art Online and Oxford (Grove) Music Online
These two databases are highly specialized resources for anything you want to know about art or music. The advanced search allows to you to narrow to a topic or category or to search across all their resources. Find information on anyone from da Vinci to Botero, from Tchaikovsky to Lil Wayne.
Oxford (Grove) University Press
Think of this as a hybrid between an encyclopedia and a database. You may browse through sources by subject or reference type. This is probably best for either browsing or if you already have a narrowly focused topic.
Salem Press – Health and Salem Press- History
Like databases, these two sites collect sources from various publications on specific topics (Health and History respectively). However, the databases are limited to reference sets from Salem Press.
Access the databases off campus: You must set up your access by following the directions here.
Select remote access and log in with your Student Single Sign On.
Encyclopedias: World Book (S) and Britannica
- excellent starting points for research
- give you an overview of your topic and to fill in gaps of background knowledge needed to clearly write about your topic
- are updated nightly, so contain the most current information
- written by researchers who gather and consolidate verified information (unlike Wikipedia) so you can be sure that the information here is accurate and up-to-date; here is an great article about the importance of encyclopedias and insight into how they are created.
- provides information at three reading levels: elementary, middle, and high school
- Spanish version available in World Book (see buttons on bottom of the home page).
- Britannica has a teacher/CCSS resource section.
Search in various databases to find encyclopedia articles, journal articles, news articles, cultural documents, government documents, and archival images. Allows you to filter a search by type of source you are seeking.
American National Biography
This database contains portraits of over 18,700 Americans. It is searchable by name or research topics such as Women’s History or Hispanic American Heritage, for which subdirectories are available within the database. Teachers, this is also a teacher’s guide for ideas on how to integrate the database into your curriculum and how to align lessons to the CCSS.
Associated Press (AP) Images
This database contains albums of photos owned by Associated Press organized according to historical and current events, and people. The photos contain detailed cataloging information for easy citation in academic or editorial work. They are not free to be used in other types of work.
Career Cruising
Research career options and outlooks. Provides description of tasks, workplace, salary ranges, outlook by state, and required education. Take assessments to find jobs you might like, locate schools with programs in your fields of interest, and even search for jobs within your field. There is also a Spanish version of the site and a portfolio section to gather information for your career searches and applications.
Columbia Gazetteer
A geographic encyclopedia searchable by type of place, state or province, country, continent, population or geographic coordinates. Data includes information about both physical places and political entities and includes both current and historical information (i.e. name and border changes for countries). Included citation information for accurate and quick citation in papers.
This site provides insight into the culture of a country. It was started as pamphlets to train missionaries, but is great for anyone curious about the customs of places around the world or preparing for a trip. A great compliment to the Gazetteer and Facts on File.
EBSCO – Contains multiple databases. This collection contains something for almost any topic. The search includes all EBSCO search features (full-text, peer-reviewed, publication date, etc) and has links to latest news about the topic in the search results. The Discovery Source is customized for LAUSD. Here are some of particular interest:
- Student Research Center: High School This a database that draws from a variety of sources: newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, radio and T.V. news and more. It covers a wide variety of topics, including social issues. This database is good for browsing and research.
- Literary Reference Center : This database contains resources pertaining to everything about literature, including author biographies, criticism about works of literature, and full-text versions of classic literature.
- Magazines & Newspapers: This site allows users to search up to 9 different databases at the same time that include a wide variety of sources: newspapers, magazines, academic journals, public opinion polls, reference materials, and images. It covers a wide variety of topics, including social issues. This service is best once you already have an idea for a topic.
- ELL Resource Center: The ELL reference center allows ELL students to access articles written with ELL needs in mind, such as syntax to support comprehension and vocabulary development. Students may highlight text and hear it read aloud as they read along with a moving highlight so students may follow as they listen. Additionally, there are guides and worksheets (links in the right margin) to assist in research and reading comprehension that may be used by teachers in the classroom or students on their own.
This is a collection of databases organized by broad subjects (Careers & Education, Current Issues, General Reference, Geography & Culture, History, Literature & Language Arts, Medical & Health, and Science & Mathematics). The actual databases focus on more specific topics (i.e. Issues & Controversies, American Women’s History, Bloom’s Literary Reference Online). These databases offer easy to browse interfaces that look more like a new website than a traditional database, though they also provide in-depth search tools. Also includes a World Almanac and allows you to sort by primary and secondary sources.
Gale Databases
Contains multiple databases organized by subject matter, including biography, literature, and science. It also contains Opposing Viewpoints In Context, a database that focuses on social issues and useful for persuasive assignments; it provides information on many current topics and includes viewpoint essays, reference sources, statistics and more.
Granger’s World of Poetry
All things about poetry and poets organized by subject, biographies, commentaries, history & criticism, and sources (books or journals) where you find the poems you are seeking. Includes full poems for some titles. You can also look up poetic terms in the glossary and listen to the poems read in the listening room. Provides citation information for reference lists. (S)
This database contains any time of map you can imagine. In addition to specific searches, you may browse by subjects (Geography, History, Earth Science, & Civics) or collections (i.e. Antique Maps, Physical Maps, U.S. Congressional Districts). There is even a section of maps and of articles in Spanish.
Oxford (Grove) Art Online and Oxford (Grove) Music Online
These two databases are highly specialized resources for anything you want to know about art or music. The advanced search allows to you to narrow to a topic or category or to search across all their resources. Find information on anyone from da Vinci to Botero, from Tchaikovsky to Lil Wayne.
Oxford (Grove) University Press
Think of this as a hybrid between an encyclopedia and a database. You may browse through sources by subject or reference type. This is probably best for either browsing or if you already have a narrowly focused topic.
Salem Press – Health and Salem Press- History
Like databases, these two sites collect sources from various publications on specific topics (Health and History respectively). However, the databases are limited to reference sets from Salem Press.