Juvenile Justice Resources
Racial Profiling Project Resources
MLA Research Paper Template - Open your Gmail account. Go to File and and select "Save a Copy." Begin editing.
Video 1: Using Subject Tags, Selecting Full Text Articles, and Selecting Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. (6 min.)
Task 1:
Video 2: Refining Searches and Copying Citations (3:25)
Task 2:
Task 3
Task 4
Racial Profiling Project Resources
MLA Research Paper Template - Open your Gmail account. Go to File and and select "Save a Copy." Begin editing.
Video 1: Using Subject Tags, Selecting Full Text Articles, and Selecting Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. (6 min.)
Task 1:
- Copy and paste subject tags into a document.
- Choose two or three to search and separate them in new search with a +sign.
- Select "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" under Refine Results.
Video 2: Refining Searches and Copying Citations (3:25)
Task 2:
- Click on a result.
- Click on the "Citation" option on the right side of the page.
- Copy and paste the citation into a Word document.
- Format it with a hanging indent.
Task 3
- Identify an article you want to use by reading the abstract, introduction, findings, conclusion, discussion.
- Highlight Information that you might use in your paper.
- Find another article in the References that might tell you more about your topic and highlight that article.
- Copy and paste the citation from EBSCO into a Word document and save it as your Reference Page.
Task 4
- Identify one resources on Gale Opposing Viewpoints that you might use. Use their citation tools to copy and paste that citation when possible.
- Search Google Scholar, and use Googles' scholarly journal search to identify one article that is available to as a PDF, html document, or on EBSCO in our digital library.