Pre-Columbian Art and Artifacts (Visual Images)
Vistas Visual Culture in Latin America
Library of Congress Webinar on Reading Maps Quetzalcatzin
The Foundation (FAMSI) was created in 1993 to foster increased understanding of ancient Mesoamerican cultures. The Foundation aims to assist and promote qualified scholars who might otherwise be unable to undertake or complete their programs of research and synthesis. Projects in the following disciplines are urged to apply: anthropology, archaeology, art history, epigraphy, ethnography, ethnohistory, linguistics, and related fields.
Association for the Advancement of Latin American Art - With so many useful digital resources and projects available online, they are trying to gather as many as they can to support ALAA members. Currently, the resources and projects listed here are alphabetized and organized by general time period.
Art and Engineering
How to build a Flying Buttress
Monuments, Colonialism and Racism
Charlottesville Syllabus: Readings on the History of Hate in America From JSTOR Daily (General Press Readings)
Alaska and Captain Cook Short Podcast
Alaska and Colonial Administrator/Enslaver/Rapist Baranov
All Monuments Must Fall Syllabus (Exhaustive Set of Resources)
In St. Louis, History and Nostalgia Battle It Out (Smithsonian Article)
Art Papers: Towards a Monumental Black Body
The Meaning of a Monument (Roosevelt Statue) Short (15 minute Documentary)
The Real Story Behind Those Confederate Statues - Mother Jones Article (Timeline of when statues were erected)
Book Recommendation - Memorial Mania
Germany Has No Nazi Nostalgia Monuments Atlantic article